Better House Cleaner Pay and Great Employee Benefits are important for employee retention. In addition, our best and most ambitious house cleaners value opportunities for advancement. We are able to offer them such opportunities based on the ongoing growth of the company. As we grow, our need for new Team Leaders and “Managers who Clean” also increases. This allows us to continue to offer new opportunities for ambitious, high-performing cleaners. It also results in incentives for our best cleaners to impress our valued clients. In those respects, providing opportunities for advancement represent another cornerstone to providing our clients a higher value cleaning service.
Our evaluation systems are quite rigorous (please ask us about how your cleaning assignment influences those, if the details interest you). Those cleaners who outperform are promoted. Any who consistently under-perform are terminated. That’s how advancement and sorting work, in a nutshell. If you have any feedback about our cleaners’ performance, please advise. Your feedback represents one important aspect of our evaluation process.
Too much detail? If you’re still here, then probably not, so thanks for reading this far. If you like our philosophy about offering our valued employees a real career in house cleaning, and want to experience what a difference it makes in terms of quality of home cleaning service, then you should read about our company sponsored retirement plan.