
Initial House Cleaning

What’s Included in an Initial House Cleaning Assignment?

The idea for an Initial Clean is to make your home super clean, so we have a fresh start.  We’ll stay until your home is cleaner than it’s ever been.  You’ll be impressed, and hire us for regular house cleaning, say every week or two (or maybe 4).  The next time we come, we’ll find that your blinds, baseboards and shower corners are still in good condition, so it will take us much less time to clean, than the first visit.  That doesn’t mean we’ll leave your home any less clean than the first time.  It just means it will take us less time to restore it to a pristinely clean condition, since we are visiting regularly.  So, how to begin?  Let’s consider the scope.  Here is our standard list . . .

Tailor this list in any way you please.

  • Vacuum with upright and backpack vacuums (including edges and hardwood and tiled floors, sofas and chairs)
  • Hand wash kitchen and bathroom floors
  • Wash all floors
  • Hand wash all baseboards
  • Dust furniture, sills, ledges, woodwork, ceiling fans and wall hangings
  • Clean window blinds, doorknobs and light switches
  • Clean entry-way windows and doors
  • Make beds
  • Clean, shine, and disinfect bathrooms, including fixtures, counter tops and floors
  • Clean kitchen, including sinks, appliance exteriors, counter tops, cabinet fronts, and table and chair legs
  • Clean inside refrigerator
  • Empty / load dishwasher and wash inside microwave
  • Empty trash containers
  • Sweep front and rear porch / patio

Other tasks such as garages, ovens, grills, under heavy furniture and appliances, windows and walls, inside refrigerators and ovens can be incorporated into your initial clean upon request.

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