If you live in Cherry Hills or anywhere in 80113 and are considering hiring a service instead of an individual, please consider choosing 5280 House Cleaning. We have created a separate page for you: “Selecting exceptional Team Leaders for Discerning Clients.”
If you’ve been using an individual for years, and now find yourself in a transition, you’ll find that a cleaning service will disappoint you in some ways, including the degree of personal touch, and likely price, since your prior cleaner may not have been paying workers compensation, liability insurance and payroll taxes. On the upside, if you choose us, you will very likely find that our actual cleaning is more thorough, depending on the professional integrity and consistency of your prior cleaner.
Before deciding, give us a chance just once, to prove to you that we can become your new permanent solution for house cleaning in Cherry Hills. We have a lot of nice reviews from clients living in some of the nicest homes in Denver. We’ll choose an experienced team for you. Please call us. Thank you.